Eastern European Hair



Eastern European hair is privately sourced from several different countries in Eastern Europe and comes from donors who are properly compensated. The Eastern European supply of hair is not as abundant as it is in India and Asia, so product lines are often more limited.

In terms of texture, Eastern European extensions are typically finer compared to hair of other origins such as Indian or South East Asian. It is often the choice for caucasian clients looking to match their existing texture–although the same can easily be achieved with Indian or certain Asian hair. When it comes to choosing extensions, the origin of the hair is often a personal preference of the client.

Like all of our high quality products, our Eastern European selections are carefully chosen, ensuring each bundle is not color or chemically processed to ensure the integrity of the hair is not compromised. MTG's Eastern European extensions are 100% natural and have never been mixed with synthetic fibers.

Virgin Eastern European hair has a fine to medium density cuticle that is naturally straight to slightly wavy. We provide a wide range of Eastern European extensions in different colors, styles and lengths. MTG mostly carries brown tones–as they are the most common–but other colors can be made available based on your needs and the size of your order.